Introduction to Sanskrit Part I - 2nd Reprint 2015 by Thomas Egenes
This text focusses on the beginning study of Classical Sanskrit, although several of the quotations are in Vedic Sanskrit. Normally, Vedic Sanskrit is studied after Classical Sanskrit is learned.
This text is written to fulfill a need that still remains, which is to make the introductory study of Sanskrit simple, concise, and systematic, thereby making it more accessible and enjoyable for a beginning student.
After completing this text, you should be able to study any of the above Sanskrit textbooks more comfortably, or begin Part Two of this text. Part Two will feature the reading of selected verses from the Bhagvad-Gita, accompanied by a more thorough explanation of unfamiliar rules of grammar as they are encountered in the reading. Both volumes together will cover the basic rules of Sanskrit grammar. For college classes, Part One covers the standard material for a one-semester course and Part Two for the second semester. After completing Part Two, the student should be able to read the Bhagavad-Gita with the aid of a Sanskrit dictionary and a word-by-word English translation.