Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume XII Yoga India's Philosophy of Meditation - 2nd Reprint 2016 by Gerald James Larson, Ramshankar Bhattacharya
The volume Yoga: India's Philosophy of Meditation, traces the intellectual history of Patanjala Yoga philosophy from the early centuries of the Common Era through the twentieth century. This volume also provides a systematic discussion of the philosophy of classical yoga. Particular attention is given to the meaning of "concentration" (samadhi), "engrossment" (samapatti)and the "extraordinary cognitive capacities" (vibhutis, siddhis) and the role that these notions play in the Yoga philosophy, which are relevant for issues currently under discussion in contemporary western philosophy of mind. The volume as well compares and contrasts classical yoga philosophy with classical Samkhya and with Indian Buddhist thought. Although the primary focus of the volume is on Patanjala yoga, the system of Hatha Yoga and other satelite systems of Yoga are discussed as well, and an attempt is made to differentiate clearly th classical system of Yoga Sastra from Hatha Yoga and the other satelite systems.