A Practical Vedic Dictionary 2nd Reprint Edition 2017 by Suryakanta
Considering the importance of Vedic literature and the splendour of its verse, it is strange that there is no dictionary in any language that is exclusively devoted to an exposition of this great literature. The monumental work of Roth and Bohtlingk embraces the whole of Sanskrit literature Vedic and Classical while Grassmann's Worterbuch zum Rgveda deals with the Rgveda alone. Both are excellent in their respective spheres and represent the pinnacle of the scholarly effort.
The present work is an attempt to fill this lacuna. The field is uncommonly varied and immensely rich. But an effort has been made to incorporate in it all the vocables of the Rgveda, Atharvaveda, Vajasaneyi Samhita, Kathaka Samhita and Maitrayani Samhita. The work includes basic words of the Aitareya Brahmana, the Satpatha Brahmana, the Taittiriya Brahmana, the Tandya Mahabrahmana, the Jaiminiya Brahmana and Gopatha Brahmana. Words have been chosen from the Aitareya Aranyaka and the Taittiriya Aranyaka, while some words have been included from the Upanisads and the sutras, with special emphasis on the Satyasadha Srautasutra.
Almost all the words in the four Vedas have been defined in Hindi and English in this new dictionary. The entries have been illustrated with examples to make their meanings clear, and many words not found in earlier dictionaries are included in this work. In several instances fresh and more accurate meanings and etymologies have been provided where those in the traditional and other modern dictionaries seemed misleading. The work incorporates the results of the latest researches in the field and includes, besides many others, all the words treated in Macdonell