A Course in Advanced Hindi Parts I & II, Bound in One by Sheela Verma , 2nd Reprint Edition 2017
This book is designed to serve as a foundation for a competency based course in Advanced Hindi for students of Hindi as a Second Language. It is also appropriate for those generally interested in such aspects of language control as intensive reading of authentic textual materials of literary significance, oral production involving situational conversation, oral presentation, and simultaneous translation, and structured writing using thematic vocabulary. Such aspects of a competency based language course as advanced listening comprehension and rapid non intensive reading can be strengthened with the use of supplementary materials in conjunction with this textbook. Attention drawn in this book to the structural strategies of the more productive constructions and expressions, as well as derivational devices and collocational constraints peculiar to authentic Hindi texts, should also be helpful in enhancing these skills.
This is a textbook for a comprehensive course in Advanced Hindi. An expanded version with additional materials for various sections or
the book is being worked on. This book is designed to serve as the foundation for a competency based course. As such, it has several components to provide for the various requisite language skills, namely reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The reading part of the course will be divided into two sections-Intensive Reading and Non Intensive Reading. The book includes suitable texts for intensive reading, along with glossaries and grammatical explanations and exercises. The selections for intensive reading are all unmodified original texts so as to expose the students to authentic Hindi. They should provide for the necessary transition from an intermediate level textbook to an advanced textbook. The glossaries provide for most of the words in texts but not all of them, so as to encourage the students to try and deduce the meanings from the contexts, and also to use a dictionary when absolutely necessary.
This book also provides material for teaching and improving speaking proficiency. It does so by including three kinds of oral materials,
namely Situational Conversation, Oral Presentation on assigned topics, and Simultaneous Oral Translation.