Beat Fatigue with Yoga 1st Edition 2017 by Fiona Agomber
You're tried all the time, exhausted even and you want to know how you can get more energy. Can this book help you? Well, we have witnessed many, many people with fatigue improve their quality of life dramatically by using yoga. With practice, you will become calmer, less stressed and more content. In fact, if you really apply what you learn from this book, you will soon notice a huge improvement in your health and stamina.
This sounds almost too good to be true can there really be such an energy force that we can discover? In this book we are going to look at prana, and the book will show you how you can use this energy and gain endless vitality. There are some simple postures to practise, together with visualizations and breathing exercises that will dramatically increase your stamina and really help you to beat fatigue. Like a car battery, you need to put yourself on charge to make use of this vital life force. If you can do this, you will have the key to mental and physical health. That is what this book is about helping you to gain more energy and vitality through the use of special yoga exercises.
If you feel tired, drained or exhausted, it's likely yoga can help.
Yoga is a complete integrated system for healing and well being, and is the ideal, gentle way to address and gradually remove the cause of exhaustion.
Beat Fatigue with yoga will show you how to:
* Find easy ways to relax and improve you stamina
* Work out the cause of fatigue
* Balance your chakras, or personal energy centres
* Using breathing exercises to boost vitality
* Use simple yoga routines to increase energy and stretch and tone your physique.
This newly revised edition includes two simple to follow chapters on how yoga can specifically help those with profound exhaustion and the condition ME also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.