A Comprehensive & Authentic Text Book on Fundamentals of Financial Management for B.Com. (Hons.), Vth Semester/Annual Mode,University of Delhi This book has been specially prepared for the students taking Financial Management paper at B.Com. (Hons.), Vth Semester/Annual Mode, University of Delhi and other Under-graduate Courses in Commerce and Management. An authentic and lucid presentation of the concepts, procedures and practices of Financial Management. Exclusive and in depth coverage of course prescribed for B.Com. (Hons.),Vth Semester/Annual Mode, University of Delhi. Synopsis in the beginning of every Chapter to present a concise view of the contents of the Chapter. A summary, in the form of Points to Remember, at the end of every Chapter to recapitulate the contents of the Chapter. Numerous Examples and Solved Graded Illustrations. Questions set in University Examinations have been incorporated at appropriate places. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) at the end of every Chapter.........10th Edition 2015